Friday- Resolution bay

Mike had his car booked for a service today, so our schedule had to work around his appointment. The plan was simple... Visit and bathe in some Hot Springs, then visit a beach in Resolution Bay that's got good snorkelling.

It actually didn't work out quite that way but near enough. After a bit of a journey we skirted the bay and headed to the surf coast for a look. This was windswept, with breakers and not unlike many of our east coast beaches. The onshore wind was strong enough that you had to raise your voice to be heard. We left no donation (apparently one greedy family benefits only) and headed back to the local Yacht Club from which we descended to a sheltered beach. Looking out there were several moored yachts. This is where Captain Cook visited, and where some of his crew scalded their hands picking up rocks from the beach.

We weren't quite ready for a swim and decided to walk the bay.. Setting off at a lovely gentle pace. Passing several groups of children we traversed the zones...rocky point, sheltered cliffed beaches, flat sandy areas clothed in Happy Wanderer. We could see a hut in the distant part of the cove, and as we approached it became apparent that these were hot springs. Since hot springs were on our itinerary when Mike returns we declined a tour, but paid a small price to look at the springs. bananas were heating up  encased in Palm leaves .

Heading back we made straight for the Yacht club for coffee and tea. Nescafé instant! This is no coffee lovers paradise, but the sheltered dining pavilion with ancient fluffy collapsing couches was welcome. After coffee our attendants left and we had the run of the place. We dozed read and lounged until Mike returned. He was surprised that we had already visited the very springs that were next on our activity list. He seemed very keen for us to do something else, not enthusiastically embracing our suggestion that we just go "home".

His suggestion turned out to be wonderful. Visit the giant Banyan tree. This is a true giant, owned by Phineas and his family and housing a house high in its lower reaches. The canopy of this tree is extensive.. Possibly 50 metres diameter. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing such a forest giant.

Back at home we were treated to a lovely meal which included small fish which Mike had purchased at Resolution bay. we had seen the outriggers chasing what we presumed were schools of fish earlier in the day. This fish was delish. We all indulged in our phone activities (I haven't mentioned that the 3G at Yasur view is better than any other place in Vanuatu that we had experienced) and hit the bed. An early start tomorrow... 6.30 am start to get to our 9.20 flight from Tanna to Vila.


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