Monday- Transfer to Turtle Bay Lodge.

Bettine has gastro today. She suspects the hole in the wall food. Not good.. Bettine is such a trooper.. she went to the hospital to do some work and felt like fainting. Fortunately she isn't moving from M and A's for a couple of days so hopefully the illness is short lived.

I had a big sleep in which was wonderful, then it was into town to do some shopping for Tanna, and to inactivate as many ATMs along the Main Street as we could. This was not our intention... it just happened. Much as we tried, all attempts to withdraw cash were met by "INVALID TRANSACTION" and eventually by "SYSTEM BUSY" accompanied by machine inoperability. I felt sorry for the people in the queue behind us. Another machine had different error alerts, but the conclusion was the same.. "Operation not possible". Eventually we were directed by a helpful Nivan into the bank where a teller helped me to get money using the EFTPOS in the ban, but only after he had borrowed my passport and credit card to photocopy them... enough information for full ID theft. I might have to live out my days as someone else.

Back at the house it was quick lunch and packup mode. Then we were off to Turtle Bay Lodge in the arranged vehicle. We were greeted by the delightful staff, including Delphine who gave us a lime drink. While taking us to our rooms she told us that the resort owner is a real clown who is a real clown. He comes from Perth and used to run Circus Luna. He has been coming to Vanuatu for years doing clowning lessons with the children, and occasionally performs here at the resort.

After the obligatory G and T it was off to our rooms for a nanna nap. Or for me, a granpa blog. (Not that I'm a grandpa unless there's something I haven't been told).


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