Out into the Pacific

Ok. So getting to Vanuatu from Geelong isn't the quickest procedure. But before I make this into a First World problem festival, can I tell you about the complete failure of the Taxi industry to respond to the Uber challenge? I won't bore you with the long story. Short story is...Michael (Uber fan) feels sorry for taxi drivers so prebooks 13Cabs online for early pickup to take us to Avalon airport. Taxi fails to arrive. In panic we ring. No taxi on the way - "glitch in the system". No apology. Never again will I order a taxi.
Nup, not one of these arrived

Sunrise from the plane from Avalon to Sydney was awesome. 

Sydney airport was its usual "ants nest" of activity as metaphorised by Mary. Sydney to Vila was a highlight for me owing to watching the movie "Tanna" filmed on Tanna Island, Vanuatu, with mainly locals as actors. What a superb movie- Like Himalaya and Anarajuat (two of my favourite movies of all time) it's beautifully filmed and paints a rich and moving portrait of traditional tribal life in Vanuatu with an added cross cultural dimension. A simple story but poignant and authentic. I give it four stars. I would give five stars, but that will have to wait until I have watched the final 20 minutes (the AirVanuatu onboard entertainment system is wifi based and as we were descending it unceremoniously cut out)

At Port Vila airport we had our first experience of the culture. TIL- Vanuatu has virtually no cash economy compared with many more wealthy nations. There's no tax at all as most people have a subsistence existence so taxing them would be taxing. Elaboration would involve more eliteration so I won't if you want unless it is your wont.

Also the people are really really friendly and seem to have a trusting nature by default. I'm not sure I can say the same about the average Geelongian.

We picked up some SIM cards at Port Vila and paid a departure tax. Then we waited. An hour after our scheduled departure, we departed by a small plane to Santo, where we were enthusiastically met by our hosts, Michael and Amanda.

They have fallen in love with Vanuatu, and this is their 7th visit. We were transported by utility to their house and had a lovely feast and chat.... lots of laughter and thoughtful discussion. Now to bed. Goodnight, Pacific.


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